Henning Schmidt
composer / conductor / pianist
Curriculum Vitae of Henning Schmidt
Activities (choice)
piano lesson practice Utrecht (2018 to present)
piano teacher, Musikschule Münster e.V. (2011-2012)
author course "Music", Fernlehrinstitut Laudius (2010)
piano teacher, Jam-Musikschule, Ahaus (2007 to present)​
teacher for arranging, Conservatory Enschede (2002)
teacher for FINALE and SIBELIUS, Conservatory Enschede (2001-2003)
conductor Euregio-Konzertchor, Stadtlohn (2017-2018)
conductor mixed choir Cappella Cantica, Bocholt (2014 to present)
conductor mixed Choir Stagefever, Billerbeck (2014 to present)
conductor of the opera production "Lysistrate" by Christoph Taggatz, Münster (2002)
diploma in conducting, Conservatory of Enschede (2005)
diploma in composition, Conservatory of Enschede (2000)
propaedeutic year church music, major: a.o. choral conducting, Robert-Schumann-Hochschule, Düsseldorf (1992)
study conducting with Kerry Woodward, Conservatory Enschede (1997-2005)
guest student composition with Michael Obst, Hochschule für Musik "Franz Liszt", Weimar (1999)
study composition with David Rowland, Conservatory of Enschede (1995-2000)
study musicology, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen (1994-1995)
study church music, majors: organ, piano, singing and choral conducting, Robert-Schumann-Hochschule, Düsseldorf (1990-1993)
final exam, Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Gymnasium, Hilden (1988)
Instrumental education
singing (1989-1992, 1994-2000, 2014, 2020 to present) with a.o. Marja Reinders, Evelyn Ziegler, Bauwien van de Meer, Hans Pieter Herman
piano (1983-2000), with a.o. Franz-Josef Birk
organ (1985-1994, 2006-2008) with a.o. Christoph Schoener, Hans-Dieter Möller, Gijs van Schoonhoven
saxophone (1983-1986)
violin (1977-1992)